Effective IMDG Code training
Spend less time. Spend less money. Be more than compliant.
Meet all requirements - and more
Courses are always up-to-date (up to the current Amendement 42-24) and cover all mandatory topics. Certificates are issued automatically, on succesful completion. Detailed records are kept, allowing you to meet your training requirements at the lowest possible cost - without compromising on quality.
Tailored to every role in accessible English
IMDG Courses are available for every role or position, tailored to the required level of knowledge and specific responsibilities - now including a tank container transport course!
IMDG e-learning, recognized internationally and proven in practice
Wouter Denkelaar, Rotterdam Shortsea Terminals: "IMDG-courses.com allows us to train our people effectively, with tailored courses. No planning restrictions and our costs are substantially lower."
IMDG Code e-learning courses
IMDG courses are available for every role or position. Choose a course from the main menu to see detailed information.
Awareness course
Management and seafaring personnel
The Awareness cursus provides a general overview of the legal requirements of maritime dangerous goods management, as contained in the IMDG Code.
Suitable for staff not directly involved in dangerous goods transport.
Basic course & Refresher
Meet the requirements
The Basic course covers all the main topics of the IMDG Code and is suitable for anyone involved in maritime dangerous goods management.
This course is the equivalent of at least a one-day classroom training, with a higher return.
Tank container operations
Basic tank container operator
Contains to tank operators relevant material of the Basic course + additional content specific to tank container operations. Meets the IMDG Code training requirements for tank container operator staff.
Looking for a bespoke course? Just let us know.
Function-specific courses
Four tailored courses
The IMDG Courses function-specific range combines Basic level course material with advanced content relevant to specific roles.
A range of courses tailored to all four main roles in maritime dangerous goods management.
Advanced course
The most extensive course
The Advanced course offers in-depth coverage of all topics of the IMDG Code and is suitable for transport department managers and safety managers and advisors.
Equals a three-day classroom training, with a higher return.
Internationally recognized IMDG Code Courses
The IMDG Code e-learning courses developed by IMDG-courses.com are accepted by authorities all over the world. Users of our courses are located in Europe, the US, UK, Vietnam, Brazil, Chile, Japan, South Africa and many other countries.
The courses cover all mandatory content and certificates are issued (upon successful completion) to confirm this. IMDG-courses.com allows you to meet your training requirements, in full, at the lowest possible cost.
Amendment 42-24 (version 42 - 2024)
The IMDG Code is updated every two years to reflect revisions in the relevant UN Regulations, with a transition year during which both the current amendment and the new amendment can be used. Amendment 42-24 came into effect on 1-1-2025 and may be used until 31-12-2027.
Lively and accessible English
The majority of IMDG Code courses reflect the tone and language of the Code itself - officialese. IMDG-courses.com uses everyday English as much as possible, making the courses much more accessible and easier to follow.
Also, the Code is a reference book. IMDG Courses explain the structure of the Code and presents the topics in a logical order, without assuming prior knowledge.
Animations and interactive content further help participants to understand and absorb the content of the course. The full content of each course is available for the student to access, directly, as often as required.
Tests and certificates
There is a test at the end of every module, with each score counting towards the end result and, on successful completion, an overall course certificate.
IMDG-courses.com is a trade name of Knowdis. Knowdis provides support for all issues pertaining to purchase of courses, enrollment and system use, as well as questions on the content of courses.
If you have any questions or if you want more information, don't hesitate to contact us - or give us a call on +31108421340.
Effective learning
Reading and viewing the content at natural or preferred speed; the freedom to return and review any part of a module at any time; separate, specific tests; support available at all times - all this contributes to better absorption of course material compared to classroom training.
Here you can see some of the most frequently asked questions. Click here to go to the page with all FAQs.
Do I have to take the basic course first before I can take a job-specific or advanced course?
No, each course contains all the content required for a specific position. For each course variant, the content is only more compact or more extensive in line with what is needed for the position. If desired, you can start immediately with, for example, the Advanced course.
What about certification and (international) recognition?
here is no certification for IMDG Code training. Chapter 1.3 of the Code indicates that employees must be 'adequately' trained (compared to their responsibilities). Governments worldwide accept IMDG training certificates (ask for references if necessary).
Optional practical day
Completing the e-learning course* and passing the test is enough for participants to comply with the IMDG Code training requirements.
As an additional option IMDG Courses offers a one-day classroom training (in combination with the e-learning course, in-company only, 8 participants or more). During this practical day, an experienced trainer will cover the full content of the course, look at selected topics in greater depth and answer questions related to situations and subjects specific to the organization.
The trainer will review the e-learning course results of all participants prior to the meeting, and be aware of possible areas that require extra attention.
This ensures maximum effectiveness for the training.
* does not apply to the Awareness Course
20% discount for users of the Knowdis learning platform
Are you interested in having your own learning platform? Knowdis consists all the tools you need to develop and maintain e-learning courses, instructions and an on-boarding programm to offer to your employees.
Users of the Knowdis learning platform get a structural 20% discount on IMDG courses and 50% discount on other Knowdis courses, such as:
- ADR awareness and ADR-tank awareness
- COSHH awareness
- Cyber security awareness
- Confined spaces
- Manual handling
- Hand-arm vibration awareness
- Working at height
See for more information about Knowdis and these courses: knowdis.nl or contact us for more information or a demonstration.
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IMDG-courses.com and IMDG-trainingen.nl are trade names of Knowdis B.V. | Terms and conditions